Our hearts go out to the loved ones and the families affected by this horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.      ●   ●   ●      Want to save Airsoft in the United States? Donate to the Airsoft Safety Foundation now!      ●   ●   ●      Airsoft Safety Foundation Member Airsoft GI sits down with a Father/Son airsoft team to discuss the safe use and proper storage of airsoft guns      ●   ●   ●       The Airsoft Safety Foundation congratulates CORE-CA’s distinguished honorees for the recognition of their exemplary record of commitment to community service      ●   ●    ●      

Archive of old how to oppose information:

Airsoft Safty Foundation
Step 1: Find your ASSEMBLYPERSON’s office info here using your zip code:


Step 2: Call the Assemblyperson’s two Capitol and District offices

Step 3: Tell the person answering the phone “My name is [first name], I live in zip code [XXXXX], and I want my Assemblyperson to vote NO to SB1315!”
That’s all you need to do to help save Airsoft in California! Added together, your phone calls will add up to one of the strongest grassroots campaigns this state has ever seen! Do YOUR part NOW to save Airsoft. If you are not a California resident, please do not call! If you are a California resident, then call your Assemblyperson now!

Call in Instructions:
ATTENTION ALL BUSINESSES AFFECTED BY SB1315, here are links to form letters that you need to personalize and send to your assemblyman and California Governor Jerry Brown:

Airsoft Safty Foundation
How to Oppose SB798 - Old